Monday, April 29, 2013

How to create Feedburner feed for Blogger blog

Feeds are one the ways that website contents can be distributed to bloggers and podcasters using browsers. Not very reader prefers visiting your blog or website and checking everything. Some just interested in the information in it. For the convenience of them, you should build a feed for your blog or website content if you think it’s worth reading.

Feedburner is a free web feed service provided by Google to manage the feeds. It also provides traffic analysis and advertising like Adsense as well. Plus, Feedburner also syndicate your feeds with some popular web-based readers MyYahoo, Newsgator, My AOL, bloglines, netvibes, iGoogle and Pageflakes.

Anyway, in this article, you will be guided step by step with screenshots to create a feedburner feed. As many readers tend to subscribe via RSS because it’s more advantageous, we’ll discuss about creating a RSS feed.

Any blogger blog originally has a feed most often as follows.

And any wordpress blog has feed as follows.

Feedburner Usage
STEP 1 :
Go to (opens in a new window)

STEP 2 :
Login using your Google username and password.

STEP 3 :
At the Dashboard, in the text field provided add your blog or feed address. Then click on Next.

STEP 4 :
If you added your blog address, another window will appear and ask for you to identify the feed source. Select the RSS feed and click on Next.


STEP 5 :
In the next window, you have to provide a title and an address for your feed. Add the title of your blog or a proper title for your feed and an available address. Finally click on Next.

blogspot/AcNDj is an automatically generated address.

NOTE: You might not be able to get the address you like due to unavailability

STEP 6 :
Your feedburner feed is now created and you can access it by the link shown in the image below. Click on Next.

STEP 7 :
In the next tab, check Clickthroughs check box to trace clickthrough rates for your blog and I want more! check box for integrate additional services Feedburner provides.

Finally, you will have a window as follows to confirm that you have successfully updated the settings.

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Posted By Mystery GuestMonday, April 29, 2013

Sunday, April 28, 2013

How to add numbers without criteria in Excel

Category: , ,

Microsoft Office Package is a very useful software bundle developed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows as well as Mac OS X. Excel is the spreadsheet application widely used in many areas for calculation purposes, graphing and plotting, data processing. It also supports programming through VBA (Visual Basic for Applications).

To add numbers in excel, we don’t need any knowledge of programming. Use can use one of the following methods according to your requirement.

Brute Force Formula
In this method, you have to state all the cells you need to be added manually. Just like in typical addition, the addition operator (+) is the one you need to use here. Say you want to add the numbers in the cells A1, A2, A3, A4 and display the total in A5.

Step 1 :
Open Excel in the start menu, from a desktop shortcut.

OR you can hit (Windows + R) from the keyboard simultaneously, type “excel” in the “Run” pop up window and hit Enter (or click on OK).

Step 2 :
Go to the cell you want the addition of the numbers (i.e. A5).

Step 3 :
Type “=A1+A2+A3+A4” and hit enter.

Using worksheet function SUM()
No programming needed here too, knowing the formula and how to use it will do the work. For that, we use a worksheet function SUM(). The syntax for the function is as follows.

Syntax :
SUM(number1, [number2], …)
Eligible Parameters :
An individual cell
  • e.g. SUM(A1)
Multiple cells separated by commas
  • e.g. SUM(A1,A2,A4)
A range of cells
  • e.g. SUM(A1:A5)
  • e.g. SUM(A1:F1)
  • e.g. SUM(A1:B5)
A column or a row
  • e.g. SUM(A:A)
  • e.g. SUM(1:1)
Multiple ranges of cells
  • e.g. SUM(A1:A4, C3:C5)
Follow these steps to add numbers using the worksheet function.

Step 1 :
Open Excel.

Step 2 :
Go to the cell you want the addition of the numbers.

Step 3 :
Type “=SUM(number1, [number2], …)” and hit enter.
NOTE: Use the appropriate parameters in the parameter list.

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Posted By Mystery GuestSunday, April 28, 2013

Saturday, April 27, 2013

How to read a file using bufferedreader in java

Category: , ,

Java is an object oriented computer programming language. It was originally designed by James Gosling and Sun Microsystems and merged into Oracle Corporation later. Since then it was developed and in 2011, the latest version JDK 7.0 was released.

File handling is an important aspect in Java as well as many other programming languages for learners. There are a handful of ways to read a file. But in this article you will be guided how to use a buffered reader to read from a file in Java.

Buffered reader method is a simple and commonly used method to read from a file. Let’s see how to implement a BufferedReader to read from a file.


 * @author Mystery Guest

class BufferedReaderGuide {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        BufferedReader br = null;
        String fileName = "Text File.txt";
        String lineFromFile;
        try {
            FileReader fr = new FileReader(fileName);
            br = new BufferedReader(fr);
            while ((lineFromFile = br.readLine()) != null) {                
        } catch (IOException e) {
        } finally {
            if(br != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException ex) {

BufferedReader Class :
BufferedReader is a class contained in package. It is inherited from the class reader which is again inherited from the root class of the java class hierarchy. Buffered reader can be used to read characters, arrays and lines from a character input stream efficiently with buffering.

Exceptions :
There can be occurred a FileNotFoundException in declaration of FileReader or BufferedReader. It should be caught or declared to be thrown in method declaration. The outer try catch block provides that exception handling.

FileReader Object :
In this example we have selected the FileReader object with a constructor of String parameter which takes the file path as the String. There are other too to initialize a FileReader.

BufferedReader Object :
BufferedReader constructor takes a Reader object as a parameter. Hence, the FileReader object is passed.

Reading a text line :
readLine() method in BufferedReader class is used to reader characters from a file till it meets an endline character. There are so many other methods which can be used in BufferedReader class. read() and skip() are 2 such methods which are most commonly used in reading from a file.

Closing the BufferedReader stream :
The finally block is used to close the BufferedReader stream and release all the stream resources used.

Enhancements :
However in JDK 7.0, using the new feature “try-with-resources” we can close the file automatically and it will be shown in the next article.

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Posted By Mystery GuestSaturday, April 27, 2013

Friday, April 26, 2013

How to delete Facebook account permanently

Facebook has done the homework. Hence it’s not that easy to get rid of Facebook unlike joining. The method to delete or remove the Facebook account permanently hasn’t been expressed forth right. Instead of that they have promoted “Deactivate Account” to retain the users in the network. But in this article you’ll learn how to delete or remove a Facebook account permanently.

When you deactivate your account, your information will be hidden from the internet users, but when you delete it you or anyone will never access to your information ever and it will be removed from the servers permanently. So, before deletion, you should think twice whether your decision is right.


You can follow one of these 2 methods to delete your Facebook account permanently.

1) Using account deletion page
This is a permanent deletion of your account. After you delete your Facebook account using this method, it cannot be reactivated and none of your information or no content will be able to retrieve.

STEP 1 :
Log in to your Facebook account.

STEP 2 :

STEP 3 :
Click on Delete my account button. (Marked 1 in image 2.1)

Then you will be asked for confirmation.

STEP 4 :
Type your Facebook password in the box (Marked 1 in image 2.2)
Type the word captcha in the second text box (Marked 2 in image 2.2)
Click on Okay button (Marked 3 in image 2.2)

STEP 5 :
If you are quite sure about the permanent deletion of your account, do not log into your account for 14 days.

NOTE: If you change your mind and you want to reactivate your account, you can log into your account within 14 days after your account deletion.

With 14 days of inactivity after the operation, your account will result a permanent deletion from the servers.

2) Using Email Facebook feature
Using email services with your primary email account associated with your Facebook account, you can request for a permanent deletion in this method.

STEP 1 :
Log into your primary email account associated with your Facebook account.

STEP 2 :
Compose an email as follows and send it. (Image 2.3)

STEP 3 :
Then wait for few days expecting for an email response from Facebook confirming that your Facebook account is successfully deleted.

STEP 4 :
If you do not receive any reply email from Facebook for 10 days, then you need to request again. But this time compose your email with the carbon copies as follows. (Image 2.4)

If you received a reply skip this step.

STEP 5 :
You might get an email requesting to reactivate your account. Deny it.
If you didn’t receive skip this step.

STEP 6 :
After you receive a confirm email from Facebook, try to log in to your account after 14 days.
If you can’t log in, then you have successfully deleted your Facebook account permanently.

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Posted By Mystery GuestFriday, April 26, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

How to deactivate Facebook account

Facebook is the most popular social network in the world today. Millions of users around the world use Facebook daily. Anyhow, sometimes users might need to hide account and personal information from public for a while due to various reasons. It may be vary from security reasons to personal reasons like going on a trip or something. Well, Facebook has provided “Account Deactivation” for these users.

When you deactivate Facebook account, your information will be hidden from the internet users, then when you need it be live on Facebook, you can reactivate account.
You can successfully deactivate Facebook account following the given steps below.

Account Deactivation
By, account deactivation, your account never will be removed from Facebook permanently. It will temporarily hidden and kept away from accessing by other users as well as yourself. So, there is no risk in deactivating your Facebook account. You can reactivate it anytime you want.

STEP 1 :
Log in to your Facebook account.

STEP 2 :

OR you can go to Facebook Settings Page and click on Security tab (Marked 1 in image 1.2)

STEP 3 :
Click on Deactivate your account button. (Marked 2 in image 1.2)

STEP 4 :
Then you will be asked for confirmation. Go through with it and confirm.

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Posted By Mystery GuestThursday, April 25, 2013